Cheat sheet


Deep Learning


neupy.algorithms.Momentum Momentum algorithm.
neupy.algorithms.GradientDescent Mini-batch Gradient Descent algorithm.
neupy.algorithms.Adam Adam algorithm.
neupy.algorithms.Adamax AdaMax algorithm.
neupy.algorithms.RMSProp RMSProp algorithm.
neupy.algorithms.Adadelta Adadelta algorithm.
neupy.algorithms.Adagrad Adagrad algorithm.
neupy.algorithms.ConjugateGradient Conjugate Gradient algorithm.
neupy.algorithms.QuasiNewton Quasi-Newton algorithm.
neupy.algorithms.LevenbergMarquardt Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm is a variation of the Newton’s method.
neupy.algorithms.Hessian Hessian gradient decent optimization, also known as Newton’s method.
neupy.algorithms.HessianDiagonal Algorithm that uses calculates only diagonal values from the Hessian matrix and uses it instead of the Hessian matrix.
neupy.algorithms.RPROP Resilient backpropagation (RPROP) is an optimization algorithm for supervised learning.
neupy.algorithms.IRPROPPlus iRPROP+ is an optimization algorithm for supervised learning.


from neupy import algorithms
from neupy.layers import *

optimizer = algorithms.Momentum(
    Input(5) >> Relu(10) >> Sigmoid(1),
neupy.algorithms.l1 Applies l1 regularization to the trainable parameters in the network.
neupy.algorithms.l2 Applies l2 regularization to the trainable parameters in the network.
neupy.algorithms.maxnorm Applies max-norm regularization to the trainable parameters in the network.

Learning rate update rules

from neupy import algorithms
from neupy.layers import *

optimizer = algorithms.Momentum(
    Input(5) >> Relu(10) >> Sigmoid(1),
neupy.algorithms.step_decay Algorithm minimizes learning step monotonically after each iteration.
neupy.algorithms.exponential_decay Applies exponential decay to the learning rate.
neupy.algorithms.polynomial_decay Applies polynomial decay to the learning rate.

Neural Networks with Radial Basis Functions (RBFN)

neupy.algorithms.GRNN Generalized Regression Neural Network (GRNN).
neupy.algorithms.PNN Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN).

Autoasociative Memory

neupy.algorithms.DiscreteBAM Discrete BAM Network with associations.
neupy.algorithms.CMAC Cerebellar Model Articulation Controller (CMAC) Network based on memory.
neupy.algorithms.DiscreteHopfieldNetwork Discrete Hopfield Network.

Competitive Networks

neupy.algorithms.ART1 Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART1) Network for binary data clustering.
neupy.algorithms.GrowingNeuralGas Growing Neural Gas (GNG) algorithm.
neupy.algorithms.SOFM Self-Organizing Feature Map (SOFM or SOM).
neupy.algorithms.LVQ Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ) algorithm.
neupy.algorithms.LVQ2 Learning Vector Quantization 2 (LVQ2) algorithm.
neupy.algorithms.LVQ21 Learning Vector Quantization 2.1 (LVQ2.1) algorithm.
neupy.algorithms.LVQ3 Learning Vector Quantization 3 (LVQ3) algorithm.


neupy.algorithms.Oja Oja is an unsupervised technique used for the dimensionality reduction tasks.
neupy.algorithms.Kohonen Kohonen Neural Network used for unsupervised learning.
neupy.algorithms.Instar Instar is a simple unsupervised Neural Network algorithm which detects associations.
neupy.algorithms.HebbRule Neural Network with Hebbian Learning.

Boltzmann Machine

neupy.algorithms.RBM Boolean/Bernoulli Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM).


from neupy.layers import *
network = Input(32) >> Relu(16) >> Softmax(10)

Layers with activation function

neupy.layers.Linear Layer with linear activation function.
neupy.layers.Sigmoid Layer with the sigmoid used as an activation function.
neupy.layers.HardSigmoid Layer with the hard sigmoid used as an activation function.
neupy.layers.Tanh Layer with the hyperbolic tangent used as an activation function.
neupy.layers.Relu Layer with the rectifier (ReLu) used as an activation function.
neupy.layers.LeakyRelu Layer with the leaky rectifier (Leaky ReLu) used as an activation function.
neupy.layers.Elu Layer with the exponential linear unit (ELU) used as an activation function.
neupy.layers.PRelu Layer with the parametrized ReLu used as an activation function.
neupy.layers.Softplus Layer with the softplus used as an activation function.
neupy.layers.Softmax Layer with the softmax activation function.

Convolutional layers

neupy.layers.Convolution Convolutional layer.
neupy.layers.Deconvolution Deconvolution layer (also known as Transposed Convolution.).

Recurrent layers

neupy.layers.LSTM Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) Layer.
neupy.layers.GRU Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) Layer.

Pooling layers

neupy.layers.MaxPooling Maximum pooling layer.
neupy.layers.AveragePooling Average pooling layer.
neupy.layers.Upscale Upscales input over two axis (height and width).
neupy.layers.GlobalPooling Global pooling layer.

Normalization layers

neupy.layers.BatchNorm Batch normalization layer.
neupy.layers.GroupNorm Group Normalization layer.
neupy.layers.LocalResponseNorm Local Response Normalization Layer.

Stochastic layers

neupy.layers.Dropout Dropout layer.
neupy.layers.GaussianNoise Add gaussian noise to the input value.
neupy.layers.DropBlock DropBlock, a form of structured dropout, where units in a contiguous region of a feature map are dropped together.

Merge layers

neupy.layers.Elementwise Layer merges multiple input with elementwise function and generate single output.
neupy.layers.Concatenate Concatenate multiple inputs into one.
neupy.layers.GatedAverage Layer uses applies weighted elementwise addition to multiple outputs.

Other layers

neupy.layers.Input Layer defines network’s input.
neupy.layers.Identity Passes input through the layer without changes.
neupy.layers.Reshape Layer reshapes input tensor.
neupy.layers.Transpose Layer transposes input tensor.
neupy.layers.Embedding Embedding layer accepts indices as an input and returns rows from the weight matrix associated with these indices.


Additional operations that can be performed on the layers or graphs

neupy.layers.join(*networks) Sequentially combines layers and networks into single network.
neupy.layers.parallel(*networks) Merges all networks/layers into single network without joining input and output layers together.
neupy.layers.repeat(network_or_layer, n) Function copies input n - 1 times and connects everything in sequential order.


>>> from neupy import architectures
>>> resnet = architectures.resnet50()
>>> resnet
(?, 224, 224, 3) -> [... 187 layers ...] -> (?, 1000)
neupy.architectures.vgg16 VGG16 network architecture with random parameters.
neupy.architectures.vgg19 VGG19 network architecture with random parameters.
neupy.architectures.squeezenet SqueezeNet network architecture with random parameters.
neupy.architectures.resnet50 ResNet50 network architecture with random parameters.
neupy.architectures.mixture_of_experts Generates mixture of experts architecture from the set of networks that has the same input and output shapes.

Parameter initialization

from neupy.init import *
from neupy.layers import *
from neupy import algorithms

gdnet = algorithms.GradientDescent([
      Relu(100, weight=HeNormal(), bias=Constant(0)),
      Softmax(10, weight=Uniform(-0.01, 0.01)),

neupy.init.Constant Initialize parameter that has constant values.
neupy.init.Normal Initialize parameter sampling from the normal distribution.
neupy.init.Uniform Initialize parameter sampling from the uniform distribution.
neupy.init.Orthogonal Initialize matrix with orthogonal basis.
neupy.init.HeNormal Kaiming He parameter initialization method based on the normal distribution.
neupy.init.HeUniform Kaiming He parameter initialization method based on the uniformal distribution.
neupy.init.XavierNormal Xavier Glorot parameter initialization method based on normal distribution.
neupy.init.XavierUniform Xavier Glorot parameter initialization method based on uniform distribution.


neupy.datasets.load_digits Returns dataset that contains discrete digits.
neupy.datasets.make_digits Returns discrete digits dataset.
neupy.datasets.make_reber Generate list of words valid by Reber grammar.
neupy.datasets.make_reber_classification Generate random dataset for Reber grammar classification.