
class neupy.layers.BatchNorm[source]

Batch normalization layer.

axes : tuple with ints or None

Axes along which normalization will be applied. The None value means that normalization will be applied over all axes except the last one. In case of 4D tensor it will be equal to (0, 1, 2). Defaults to None.

epsilon : float

Epsilon is a positive constant that adds to the standard deviation to prevent the division by zero. Defaults to 1e-5.

alpha : float

Coefficient for the exponential moving average of batch-wise means and standard deviations computed during training; the closer to one, the more it will depend on the last batches seen. Value needs to be between 0 and 1. Defaults to 0.1.

gamma : array-like, Tensorfow variable, scalar or Initializer

Scale. Default initialization methods you can find here. Defaults to Constant(value=1).

beta : array-like, Tensorfow variable, scalar or Initializer

Offset. Default initialization methods you can find here. Defaults to Constant(value=0).

running_mean : array-like, Tensorfow variable, scalar or Initializer

Default initialization methods you can find here. Defaults to Constant(value=0).

running_inv_std : array-like, Tensorfow variable, scalar or Initializer

Default initialization methods you can find here. Defaults to Constant(value=1).

name : str or None

Layer’s name. Can be used as a reference to specific layer. Name Can be specified as:

  • String: Specified name will be used as a direct reference to the layer. For example, name=”fc”
  • Format string: Name pattern could be defined as a format string and specified field will be replaced with an index. For example, name=”fc{}” will be replaced with fc1, fc2 and so on. A bit more complex formatting methods are acceptable, for example, name=”fc-{:<03d}” will be converted to fc-001, fc-002, fc-003 and so on.
  • None: When value specified as None than name will be generated from the class name.

Defaults to None.


[1]Batch Normalization: Accelerating Deep Network Training by Reducing Internal Covariate Shift,


Feedforward Neural Networks (FNN) with batch normalization after activation function was applied.

>>> from neupy.layers import *
>>> network = join(
...     Input(10),
...     Relu(5) >> BatchNorm(),
...     Relu(5) >> BatchNorm(),
...     Sigmoid(1),
... )

Feedforward Neural Networks (FNN) with batch normalization before activation function was applied.

>>> from neupy.layers import *
>>> network = join(
...     Input(10),
...     Linear(5) >> BatchNorm() >> Relu(),
...     Linear(5) >> BatchNorm() >> Relu(),
...     Sigmoid(1),
... )

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)

>>> from neupy.layers import *
>>> network = join(
...     Input((28, 28, 1)),
...     Convolution((3, 3, 16)) >> BatchNorm() >> Relu(),
...     Convolution((3, 3, 16)) >> BatchNorm() >> Relu(),
...     Reshape(),
...     Softmax(10),
... )
variables : dict

Variable names and their values. Dictionary can be empty in case if variables hasn’t been created yet.


variable(value, name, shape=None, trainable=True) Initializes variable with specified values.
get_output_shape(input_shape) Computes expected output shape from the layer based on the specified input shape.
output(*inputs, **kwargs) Propagates input through the layer. The kwargs variable might contain additional information that propagates through the network.
alpha = None[source]
axes = None[source]
beta = None[source]
epsilon = None[source]
gamma = None[source]
options = {'alpha': Option(class_name='BatchNorm', value=ProperFractionProperty(name="alpha")), 'axes': Option(class_name='BatchNorm', value=TypedListProperty(name="axes")), 'beta': Option(class_name='BatchNorm', value=ParameterProperty(name="beta")), 'epsilon': Option(class_name='BatchNorm', value=NumberProperty(name="epsilon")), 'gamma': Option(class_name='BatchNorm', value=ParameterProperty(name="gamma")), 'name': Option(class_name='BaseLayer', value=Property(name="name")), 'running_inv_std': Option(class_name='BatchNorm', value=ParameterProperty(name="running_inv_std")), 'running_mean': Option(class_name='BatchNorm', value=ParameterProperty(name="running_mean"))}[source]
output(input, training=False)[source]
running_inv_std = None[source]
running_mean = None[source]