Replicate layers and networks
Copy layers/networks
Any layer or network could be copied. For example, we can create layer and copy it as many times as we want.
>>> from neupy.layers import *
>>> layer = layers.Relu(10)
>>> layer
Relu(10, alpha=0, weight=HeNormal(gain=2), bias=Constant(0), name='relu-1')
>>> import copy
>>> copy.copy(layer)
Relu(10, alpha=0, weight=HeNormal(gain=2), bias=Constant(0), name='relu-2')
>>> copy.copy(layer)
Relu(10, alpha=0, weight=HeNormal(gain=2), bias=Constant(0), name='relu-3')
Each new copy gets the same set of parameters. Also, notice that each new copy get new name. It works because we didn’t specify exact name of the layer.
>>> layer = Relu(10, name='relu-layer')
>>> layer
Relu(10, alpha=0, weight=HeNormal(gain=2), bias=Constant(0), name='relu-layer')
>>> copy.copy(layer)
Relu(10, alpha=0, weight=HeNormal(gain=2), bias=Constant(0), name='relu-layer')
In order to create layers with custom name, we can specify name as a string that could be formatted with a unique index value.
>>> layer = Relu(10, name='relu-layer-{}')
>>> layer
Relu(10, alpha=0, weight=HeNormal(gain=2), bias=Constant(0), name='relu-layer-1')
>>> copy.copy(layer)
Relu(10, alpha=0, weight=HeNormal(gain=2), bias=Constant(0), name='relu-layer-2')
All the examples above also work for the networks
>>> block = Conv((3, 3, 32)) >> Relu() >> BN()
>>> block
<unknown> -> [... 3 layers ...] -> (?, ?, ?, 32)
>>> copy.copy(block)
<unknown> -> [... 3 layers ...] -> (?, ?, ?, 32)
Repeat the same layer/network multiple times
Certain neural network architectures might have single layer or group of layers repeated multiple times in a sequence. For example:
>>> from neupy.layers import *
>>> network = Input(20) >> Relu(10) >> Relu(10) >> Relu(10) >> Relu(10)
>>> network
(?, 20) -> [... 5 layers ...] -> (?, 10)
In order to avoid redundant repetitions, NeuPy introduced function called repeat. This function copies layer multiple times and connects original and all copied layers into a sequence. We can rewrite previous example, using repeat function in order to get the exactly the same neural network architecture.
>>> network = Input(20) >> repeat(Relu(10), n=4)
>>> network
(?, 20) -> [... 5 layers ...] -> (?, 10)
And the same function will work if applied to the network.
>>> block = Conv((3, 3, 32)) >> Relu() >> BN()
>>> block
<unknown> -> [... 3 layers ...] -> (?, ?, ?, 32)
>>> repeat(block, n=5)
<unknown> -> [... 15 layers ...] -> (?, ?, ?, 32)
It’s important to remember that input shape of the layer/network should be compatible with it’s output shape. Otherwise exception will be triggered.
Copying and repetition make more sense when layer hasn’t been initialized yet. Let’s check the following example:
>>> from neupy.layers import *
>>> layer = layers.Relu(10)
>>> layer
Relu(10, alpha=0, weight=HeNormal(gain=2), bias=Constant(0), name='relu-1')
We can see that weight and bias hasn’t been generated yet. We can add layer to the network and create variables for it.
>>> network = Input(20) >> layer
>>> network.create_variables()
>>> layer
Relu(10, alpha=0, weight=<Variable shape=(20, 10)>, bias=<Variable shape=(10,)>, name='relu-1')
We can see that now each parameter of the layer has it’s own variable. If we try to copy layer with initialized variables that’s what we will get.
>>> copy.copy(layer)
Relu(10, alpha=0, weight=<Array shape=(20, 10)>, bias=<Array shape=(10,)>, name='relu-2')
Now each parameter has it’s value specified as an array, which is just a copy of the value stored in the original variable. For this layer, variables hasn’t been created yet, since it’s not a part of any network.