Scikit-learn compatibility

NeuPy contains a few compatibilities that make it possible use NeuPy with the scikit-learn library.

Fit method

You can use fit method instead of the train method.

from neupy import algorithms

# Function `load_data` is not implemented
x_train, y_train = load_data()

network = Input(3) >> Sigmoid(2) >> Sigmoid(1)
optimizer = algorithms.GradientDescent(network, verbose=True), y_train, epochs=100)

Transform method

You can use transform method instead of the predict method.

from neupy import algorithms

# Function `load_data` is not implemented
x_train, y_train = load_data()

network = Input(3) >> Sigmoid(2) >> Sigmoid(1)
optimizer = algorithms.GradientDescent(network, verbose=True)
y_predicted = optimizer.transform(x_train)


It’s possible to use NeuPy in scikit-learn pipelines.

from sklearn import preprocessing, pipeline
from neupy import algorithms

network = Input(3) >> Sigmoid(2) >> Sigmoid(1)
pipeline = pipeline.Pipeline([
    ('min_max_scaler', preprocessing.MinMaxScaler()),
    ('backpropagation', algorithms.GradientDescent(network)),

# Function `load_data` is not implemented
x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test = load_data(), y_train, backpropagation__epochs=1000)
y_predict = pipeline.predict(x_test)


Not all features from scikit-learn library can be used with NeuPy. Copying of the networks and training algorithms cannot be done in a simple way and any function or class from scikit-learn that depends on the clone function will fail. For example, function like cross_val_score will not work with NeuPy classes.

Also, copying neural network might not be enough, because weights from the network will be copied as well. And cross validation on the copied network won’t show you exact performance, because network has been already pre-trained before it was copied.